1setASTM D-422 / AASHTOT-88Consist of :
Hydrometer A ( 152 H )1pcGlass, stream line, range 0 - 60 gr soil/ ltr.
Hydrometer B ( 151 H )1pcGlass, stream line, range 0.995-1.038
Mechanical Stirer1pcElectric, 220 volt, cast alumuniumframe, 10.000 rpm.
Dispersion Cup1pcStainless steel, brass baffles.
Hydrometer Jar BathSteel sheet, fibre glass couted,temperature control.Consist of :
Bath1pcSteel sheet, fibre glass coated, 60 x 30 x 40 cm.
Water Heater1pcElectric, range ambient to 60 deg. C
Dispension AgentConsist of :
Sodium Hexa1kgBottled, powder.
Water Glass1kgBottled, liquid.
Hydrometer Jar3pcsGlass, 1000 ml capacity.
Graduated Cylinder1pc1000 ml capacity.
Thermometer1pcRange 0 - 50 deg.C